Will I get injured in the next year if I start lifting weights with[/out] professional guidance?
with guidance
without guidance

I'm considering starting lifting weights, and am nonzero concerned that I might hurt myself by accident, despite being a cautious sort!

How likely is it that, in my first year, I will suffer a ~week-long injury if I (a) pay a professional trainer person to guide me every couple weeks, vs (b) if I just look up on the internet how I should do things?

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If you were to start lifting without guidance, what exercises do you think you might like to do? Isolation exercises with machines, large compound exercises with a barbell, etc.?

Will you watch instructional videos to help you learn proper form for new exercises?

Would you start off light and gradually increase the weight, or would you try to start with something that feels sufficiently challenging?

What is your BMI?

Do you have any existing health problems that might increase your injury risk?

  • Exercises: haven't researched. Things I can do at home without equipment that takes lots of money/space, ideally.

  • Instructional videos: yes, definitely.

  • Start light, gradual increase: yes, definitely.

  • BMI: 22.2

  • Existing health problems: none. Knees might be a little weak.