Will any country admit to sending troops to Ukraine by the end of 2024?
Jan 3

The market will resolve as YES if by the end of 2024 any country officially admits to sending any number of troops to Ukraine to act in any capacity on the Ukrainian side. This can include personnel directly participating in combat, as well as special forces, intelligence, instructors etc. The troops do not have to be in the Ukrainian chain of command, but they need to be deployed with Ukraine's consent.

The troops have to be on active military duty, volunteers don't count. They can be deployed either by some country's military directly, or as part of some international organization like NATO.

For the market to resolve to YES, both the deployment and the official statement about it have to happen by the end of 2024. The statement has to be explicit. A vague statement of intent followed by third-party reports about the troops is not enough.

I tried to verify that so far the conditions for this questions haven't been fulfilled. If I am wrong, please point me to the relevant news in the comment, and I will resolve the question.

I do not bet on my own questions.

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There are news that France is considering sending its instructors to Ukraine: https://t.me/osirskiy/702. If this decision is made, it will resolve this question.

@traders It seems like US sending additional support troops to Ukraine fulfills all the requirements from this market: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/20/us-troops-ukraine-00153499

The fact that the troops are mentioned as “additional” means that US implicitly admits that it had already deployed some troops there.

Does anyone have any reasoning why I shouldn’t resolve this question now?

The only thing I can think of is that people might have a different idea of what is meant by "sending troops to Ukraine", but the description does clearly say in any capacity.

Those implicitly admitted to already be there are for security at the embassy it says a bit down in the article so I don't think they should count (I guess it's not uncommon for countries to use military for embassy security at certain places, but Idk). The "additional troops" should obviously count when sent and acknowledged.

I agree. The description says that the troops have to act "in any capacity on the Ukrainian side". Embassy guard is arguably not acting on the Ukrainian side.

IIRC they've had guys helping with deliveries for a while now

@benjaminIkuta Could you find any source?