On a scale of 1 to 10 how excited are you about winning real money
resolved Apr 30

1 = I absolutely hate it

5 = I don't care either way/see results

10 = Yes! Bring on the dollars!

misclick tally

2: -1

5: -1

6: +2

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It's hard to answer this one without knowing how much it will cost.

Users will be able to donate their mana at the existing rate of M100 : $1 for the next week before it becomes M1000 : $1 as we switch over to the new system.

I voted 5, but I didn't see this. If it implies this, it is a 1 for me.
It really feel like we will lost most our hard earned mana in one week.

@dionisos it's been updated. Now it reads:

Charity program

  • Starting May 1st, 2024, only prize points (not mana) will be redeemable for charity at a rate of โ‚ฉ1,000 : $0.95, with no monthly cap.

    • The 5% fee helps us make the charity program sustainable after credit card fees and administrative work.

  • In the interim period, we are allowing users to donate at the original rate of M100 : $1 (and removing the $10k / month donation cap)

  • If you are planning to make a large donation, we encourage you to do it asap before the new changes take effect on May 1st.

@Odoacre This is worse ๐Ÿ˜ญ

@dionisos lmk if you want me to update the misclick tally

@Odoacre If you can, yes please

oops I chose wrong

@NoaNabeshima let me know what you voted and what you wanted to vote and I'll update the misclick tally




  • The value of my mana feels like it's going to drop even though it's not that much. Feels like a minor negative social expectation violation

Expect to be excited about

  • Increasing Manifold expected financial success

  • Possibility of me making money

  • Possibility of better forecasts

But @acc and @Botlab have only made ~1M mana each so Manifold would need to scale up a lot before 2 and 3 get realized, although old mana behavior will probably not be like new mana behavior.

But a transition like this is required for these effects to occur at all! Probably a good move even if the path is tricky. Gambatte!

I consider charitable donations to be real money, so this is a massive annoyance for me, but I'll probably keep using the site after this change happens. At least until someone helps me resolve the damn Grok Chess market. 2.

@TiredCliche Yes same, charitable donations is real money to me. It is just fake money for the law, which is good.
Also it beings only for charitable donations help a little with the bad incentives gambling can have.

@dionisos Yes. I expect that the real money markets will bring the sort of annoying trolls that are on every other prediction site.

@TiredCliche I won't give you my login but I can try to help with the Grok market later in the week. DM me on Discord if you want.

@shankypanky do you have a Twitter premius plus account? I'll livestream the whole thing if you want.

I misclicked. Should be 6, not because I don't like money but because I know I won't win against dedicated traders


1: -1

6: +1


important poll ๐Ÿ’Œ

@shankypanky I hope they will listen ๐Ÿ˜ญ โค


I don't care about winning real money. I just want to be able to get answers to my questions. [See results] isn't an option though, so I will vote 5.

@Eliza sorry, Can you or some mod edit a "see results" answer in ?

@Odoacre No, polls suck in actual usage.