Will I catch a shiny Groudon in the next two weeks? Round 3
resolved Aug 22

I'm playing Pokémon Ruby on a Game Boy Advance, original hardware, no mods or overclocks or anything beyond a screen mod and a new shell. I've saved in front of Groudon and am soft resetting to shiny hunt.

The odds of a shiny are 1 in 8192. I can turn around two reloads in a minute. I make that around 1.5% chance per hour of play of me encountering old mate.

I'm not playing 24:7 like a nerd, my primary playing is while rocking a baby to sleep, watching TV or on the loo.

I've been at this for a full month now with no luck, so it must appear any day now, right?

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predicted YES

Updated close time as the midnight course on the last two made me stay up trying until midnight when I really should have slept. Still no Gordon.

predicted YES

Midpoint update: still no Gordon 🥲🥲🥲

Any estimate as to the average number of hours you’ve been playing each day?

predicted YES

@june It’s been a bit all over the place. Between one and two hours a day on weekdays. Weekend days are either no hours or 4+ hours depending on life.