"teach mode has been rolled out to a very small group of alpha testers last week" - assuming this feature does roll out for real at some point this century, would you be interested in doing a repeat of this market?
@NivlacM Apparently, they have support for four apps on release and ability to add other automation is "coming soon". Pretty scammy compared to what was promised in my opinion.
@traders if I don't have teach mode or any way to get the R1 to resolve this question after I receive mine I will resolve this No.
The teach mode is still in development, and from the carefully controlled slides demo has some work to go.
@NivlacM how will you resolve this given the feature will be unavailable at launch?
"For those with a technical background, it's painfully clear that there's no artificial intelligence or large action model in sight. In reality, they're simply relying on several Playwright automation scripts to do the job for you, which is why they only support four apps: Spotify, Midjourney, Doordash, and UberEats."
(I have not dug in to confirm this for myself yet)
Initial analysis: it looks like a dump of the home directory of one of the cloud services, not full source code (although it does contain some source code), but it should be illuminating nonetheless
@SirMemealot not sure it'd need much visual processing to resolve the question. Navigating using HTML tags that it would learn from seeing other questions resolve would be simpler