Will I be able to remove the lemon from this vase by the 24th of July at 6pm Israel time
resolved Jul 23


Resolved -

Cutting small pieces with scissors allowed me to eventually remove the lemon

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You should set this up as a bountied question with a bounty to whoever's comment helps you remove the lemon.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Take two skewers, and stab them through the lemon's peel at two different points. Then angle them so that the tips of the skewers touch below the lemon and pull up. That way, the lemon won't be able to slide off the skewers.

bought Ṁ25 of YES

Hold it upside-down over the sink and go at the lemon with a pair of scissors.

predicted YES

@Duncn I tried this, but it was too slippery and I couldn't get a grip

@NetanelHaber attach a blade to Stick, try to cut it or at least break its spherical form.

predicted YES

@KongoLandwalker combined yours and @Duncn to get it done