Will new Mario Kart 8 Deluxe tracks appear in the 2023-02-08 Nintendo Direct?
resolved Feb 9

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predicted YES

don't worry, they also mentioned other tracks. in the fine print. Resolve YES

predicted YES

@ForrestTaylor The market does say “appear”, though, not “be mentioned”

predicted YES

they appear in the form of a mention in the fine print. as long as we're gonna be all pedantic

@ForrestTaylor Oh, all right, good enough for me.

Technically I said "tracks" plural, but same difference. Anyone object to my resolving this YES? Probably not, since no one bought NO...

predicted YES

@NcyRocks I would definitely object to resolving this no. This would be easy yes if you included the word "any", but as it stands, "any" is kind of implied. If you had written "Will more than one new Mario Kart 8 Deluxe tracks" appear, that feels like a different question.

predicted YES

@ForrestTaylor as written, the literal, correct resolution is NO, but at the same time, it seems like if that was what you had meant when writing the market, it probably would’ve emphasized “multiple” or “two or more”,

The question doesn’t definitely wasn’t just will there be more Mario kart content or another wave. I see reasonable arguments both directions. If it were my market, I would grudgingly resolve NO, and resolve to tighten my resolution criteria in the future

predicted YES

@JimHays When you bet, did you think he meant multiple tracks? Or did you think he was asking if any new tracks would appear in this Nintendo Direct?

predicted YES

@ForrestTaylor My casual read was, “Will the next wave be announced?”

@ForrestTaylor Resolving NO isn't really on the table. I'm reluctant to resolve N/A either. I'll definitely try to look out for this sort of mistake in the future - no to vague plurals, yes to specific numbers!

predicted YES