Will I be disappointed with "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom"?
resolved Jun 5

I doubt Nintendo are gonna drop the ball on this one, but you never know.

Sep 14, 11:23am: Will I be disappointed with the sequel to Breath of the Wild? → Will I be disappointed with "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom"?

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predicted NO

whats the verdict @NcyRocks ?

@vincentpearce One time I mistook a cannon for a rocket and blew myself up when I tried to launch my glider. 10/10

predicted NO

@NcyRocks Amazing

I kinda want to bet YES just as insurance, because if I don't like it at least I'll have made a few dollars. But maybe I have higher/different standards than u, idk

@ForrestTaylor At this point I'd be very surprised if I resolved YES; the game would probably have to have some game-breaking bug that doesn't get fixed within a day or two.

@NcyRocks My joke yesterday was going to be "yeah, my standards are higher, as I'll be disappointed if we don't get sexy hydrated Ganondorf"

Loved the gameplay demonstration.

predicted YES

@NcyRocks Final trailer (probably) airing tomorrow at 7 PST!

Most recent trailer looks amazing, although the vehicle aspect is a little weird to me...

"Will I be disappointed with "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom"?"

Will I be disappointed with

Should be great with 6 years dev time! Although that does raise expectations...

@JamesGrugett On top of a game that already took 6(ish?) years, you'd think so! If I have a similar sort of experience to playing the first game for the first time, I'll be satisfied.