Aug 1
Biden Trump Debate

The resolution is to the first nominee formally selected by the Democratic Party (which happens at the Democratic National Convention). If the nominee is later replaced (for example, due to dropping out of the election, death, etc) that does not change the resolution.

If a candidate becomes presumptive nominee after securing a majority of pledged delegates, that is not sufficient for resolution, until formally selected as nominee.

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Teleprompters are 1950s tech, and the reading motions of the eyes give them away no matter how many are in use. Biden seemed to be going off of some kind of hidden earpiece/implant, alternating between speaking normally and reciting words completely tonelessly.

Some parts made it seem like Biden is still competent at making rehearsed statements, did anyone get a read on that?



it's joever....

It's not joever

bought Ṁ1,000 NO

One Democratic lawmaker's assessment of Biden's candidacy: "It's over"

From CNN's Sunlen Serfaty

A Democratic lawmaker told CNN that their assessment of Biden’s candidacy is that “it’s over.”

“We are just waiting for the announcement. He (Biden) is not there yet, will take a bit to get there, but it’s over.”

The comments come as Biden has doubled down on his intent to remain the race, including sending a fundraising email with the subject line “I’m running.”

Asked if the next few days, Biden’s interviews and his events could change that, this lawmaker did not think so. “It’s about the data,” this member said, noting that it is “getting worse.”

President Joe Biden is keeping Vice President Kamala Harris intentionally close today, inviting her to join the evening meeting with Democratic governors at the White House, sharing lunch in his private dining room and taking part in a joint appearance during a call with campaign staff in Wilmington.

The overarching message, a senior campaign adviser tells CNN: “He’s with her.”

The president continues to publicly declare his intention to stay in the race. But should he decide to step aside, a succession plan for the Democratic presidential campaign against Donald Trump is taking shape that is expected to fully highlight the Biden-Harris relationship.

Several party officials and advisers say plans are underway for Biden to immediately throw his support behind Harris, release his Democratic delegates and ask them to do the same. Former presidents and party leaders would follow suit, in hopes of avoiding a contentious fight to lead the Democratic ticket.
“Who would stand up against our historic vice president to be our nominee for president?” a senior Democratic official told CNN, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive talks in advance of any formal decision from Biden.

To be sure, Harris is going to great lengths to avoid being seen as getting ahead of the president. She told her team again today the timing of this decision “is Biden’s alone to make,” one aide said.

Everything is certain until it is not.

This bet and the threads below remind me of a phrase that was frequently used in the last years of the Soviet Union—“races on gun carriages.”

In the Soviet Union, it became a tradition to transport the coffins of deceased high-ranking officials, particularly leaders, on gun carriages (лафеты) during state funerals. The last leaders of the Soviet Union were so old (Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko) that they were dying one after another.

• Leonid Brezhnev (died in 1982)

• Yuri Andropov (died in 1984)

• Konstantin Chernenko (died in 1985)

No leader would willingly give up power, but I hope there are enough rational people among the Democrats to pressure Biden out. That’s why I am holding NO.

it doesnt matter how many rational people there are. the only opinion that matters is biden because there is no mechanism to remove a narcissist incumbent president from hogging the party's nomination

There's the 25th amendment

So this market rose from 26% earlier today to 45% after Biden said on a campaign call to all employees that he was 100% not dropping out.

I guess that means people believe that, if he were thinking about what to do, he would just tell all those people "there's a chance you'll all be fired next week; I'll get back to you when I decide."

In an ironic way, many people still trust the president.

There is absolutely no way he signals that he is dropping out until the decision is 100% decided. A message like that would cause absolute chaos


podcast from folks who were on Obama team.

  1. Biden has done very little damage control — very few interviews post-debate -> his team feels uncomfortable letting him appear publicly ?

  2. This conversation about Biden distracts from Trump -> bad for democrats

  3. Those who were supporting despite age concerns, can’t support Biden any longer

  4. Biden most likely will stay the nominee, and people will support him after the debate ends -> prob the thinking within biden campaign

  5. Nominating Biden early would cause a revolt among democrats (commenting on Bloomberg reporting)

  6. Unclear if Biden can keep up with the schedule. Biden needs afternoon nap each day. (NYT / axios reporting).

  7. Debate date was set early intentionally, if there was visible rapid decline they would have waited longer (?!). But also based on reporting it looks like his team wouldn’t put Biden in the same room with Putin

  8. There is a line between aging Joe Biden (poor performance at late night events), and Biden in mental decline. There is no evidence that Biden in mental decline, his family is very patriotic and wouldn’t compromise future of the country

All the Dem insider types are trying really hard to be as tactful as possible, but everyone (who's not totally delusional) knows they're screwed with Biden.

Even if he mostly keeps it together until November (unlikely), every tiny slip is going to get wall-to-wall coverage. It's over.

There is no evidence that Biden in mental decline, his family is very patriotic and wouldn’t compromise future of the country

[X] Doubt

Surely no politician would ever prioritize personal gain or self-aggrandizement over the wellbeing of the party or country.

his family is very patriotic and wouldn’t compromise future of the country

Hunter Biden, who is a part of these discussions, lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs. He WOULD compromise the future of the country, I am sorry, he would. That means either giving advice to stay in or leave, either direction, his advice cannot be trusted, yet he’s there. Not as bad as Trump’s crimes but very close, he’s helping to decide our fate.

Point taken, and this is a massive tangent. But if you know addicts, they can be incredibly sober and conscientious on things unrelated to using their drugs of choice. Or even things related to them if it involves procurement, for example.

The way Daniel Dennett used to talk about free will was really the only the only thing that ultimately mades sense to me about recovering from trauma-induced disorders. My paraphrasing: if you’re lacking self-control in some area today, you’re responsible for making changes so you have more of it tomorrow.

It’s possible in a pseudo-diagnostic sense that Joe Biden has something like an addiction or attachment to power. Giving up being President of the United States has to be like destroying the Ring of Power. Maybe Hunter gets that in a way his father hasn’t contemplated yet.

We need a VP market conditional on Biden dropping out

sold Ṁ3,486 YES

But that's not conditional on Biden dropping out. This one is, kinda: https://manifold.markets/AlexanderMiller/if-neither-biden-nor-kamala-is-the?r=TXVnYVNvZmVy

yes it's not a conditional market but does have more options (and is open for submissions) so it's good to have different formats depending on where you want to put your mana. and, conditional on Harris being the Presidential nom, it's mispriced 😉

Oh, I didn't notice it wasn't accepting submissions, it's kind of useless then.

ah the conditional is open for submissions I just meant there's a list of potentials on the VP market so you could bet without paying to add them as well as add your own

regardless I'm definitely not trying to sway anyone toward or away from either market just giving options!

If you don’t see the market you like then make one!

Here y'all go:

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