Will anyone with >10,000 Twitter followers use the word “rationalussy” in 2023?
resolved Aug 31

I won't be personally looking for it, but feel free to go looking yourself. Can be in any form: tweet, video, podcast, etc.

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predicted YES

@NathanNguyen resolves YES

bought Ṁ5,000 of YES
bought Ṁ585 of YES

@Joshua I'm sad but I'm laughing. I'm poor but I'm kind

predicted YES

All part of the plan, so next time you bid a market down for seemingly no reason everyone thinks it was a mistake but actually then you'll be right.

@deepfates How does this even happen, I am forced to believe Joshua is right

predicted NO

@Joshua Hell of a night for the bot to be offline😢

predicted YES

@Gen 🥲

@Joshua @deepfates, I (or @acc) issued a partial refund for M4,000. I don't in general believe in refunding mistakes and don't intend to issue any more refunds, but this seems like a special case...

@SG @acc got your back.

predicted YES

@SG wow, thank you, i had no expectation of that happening but i appreciate it.

i know someone that can make it happen

I’m curious why YES is so high. Who do people have in mind??

How many people are there on Manifold who can make this happen?

@JosephNoonan The thing is, they mostly won't.

The benefit = being silly for no reason, for fum
The harm = reputation loss

The harm massively outweighs the benefit.

@DavidBolin I keep seeing people claim this, but I don't see why it would cause reputation loss. All someone would have to do is tweet something like "People on Manifold keep making markets about a joke word called 'rationalussy'."

@JosephNoonan Possibly, if they take advantage of the use / mention distinction. But that is not really using the word, so arguably the title question is not satisfied ("use the word", not "mention the word.")

@DavidBolin Something tells me the intent of the market's title was not to invoke the use/mention distinction.

@JosephNoonan Right. I’ll resolve YES for any expression of the word, whether as a use or mention.

@DavidBolin What the fuck is a correct usage of the word rationalussy

@makoyass See the above tweet.