A new, higher limit market: https://manifold.markets/MrMagnolia/total-nondrama-lesswrong-karma-for-3a5cd904f294
LessWrong recently launched a feature called dialogues (here is a list of all them)!
I want to know how much karma will accrue to dialogues published in October, but without an incentive to steer towards community drama (I am not against drama overall, but I am interested to see how dialogues work as a non-drama medium).
I will judge what counts as drama. I currently am excluding Thomas Kwa's dialogue because the comments became focused on whether Nate was acting wrongly, even though the dialogue contained some nice bits of metascience.
I currently count 196 karma.
Y'all seem to think it will be a lot of karma, so here's a market with options that go higher: https://manifold.markets/MrMagnolia/total-nondrama-lesswrong-karma-for-3a5cd904f294