Will Donald Trump win the Presidential Election of the United States of America in 2024?
Dec 31

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@PlasmaBallin okay wait people aren't actually expecting this to resolve on the technicality right? This clearly means "president elect". OP is just inactive.

This market is poorly worded, but seems like it shouldn't close yet by any interpretation.

Donald Trump will not become president in 2024 even if he wins the election. He would become president in 2025.

bought Ṁ10 NO from 38% to 37%

@PlasmaBallin okay wait people aren't actually expecting this to resolve on the technicality right? This clearly means "president elect". OP is just inactive.

predicts YES

@PlasmaBallin but he would BE the next president in 2024

predicts NO

@Joshua I assume this is what it means, but I was hoping the creator would clarify.

@PlasmaBallin don't put mana down or interact with shit markets like this

predicts NO

Why is this market increasing now? Is it going to be easier for Trump to be elected with Jim Jordan as speaker of the house?

The next president gets inagurated in 2025, so this is pretty much guaranteed to resolve NO, right?

@mudPi314 hold on, it's not asking if he'll become "president" in 2024, but if he'll become the "next president" in 2024. So, if he wins the 2024 election, he'll be "the next president" despite not taking office yet

predicts NO

@MrBonnison can you clarify?

predicts YES

What happens if Joe Biden is re-elected? Does this market resolve NO or does it wait till a “new president” is elected? What happens if Kamala Harris takes over as President for Joe Biden (for permanent reasons, not just him going under anesthesia)?

@JoshuaB I hope I'm not being too persnickety, but barring totally unprecedented events, Trump cannot be president in 2024?? (and thus you’ve significantly changed the meaning of the question via the edit)