Will Dan Hendrycks be Eaten by a Dragon?


Resolves YES if Nancy Pelosi successfully interferes with SB-1047 by end of June 2025. Governor veto, pressuring California legislators to repeal it, sending the Secret Service to assassinate the governor before he can sign it, pushing federal bills related to AI safety that would mitigate effects of SB-1047 on non-Californians, would all count. Link to Nancy Pelosi must appear in a credible news source.

Resolves NO if no such bill is passed, or if Nancy opposes all such bills, or if Nancy leaves office or dies.

Mira will be the sole judge on whether Dan Hendrycks has been consumed by any dragon.

Traders are responsible for linking potential bills in the comments.

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i honestly view dan as the dragon right now; the ai safety movement is way better organized than their opponents;


Everyone come bet on SB-1047 getting repealed or mitigated.