I had 200 followers earlier this year, 500 a month ago, now I have 1460. How many will I have at end of 2024?
The Follower Count is the number of Twitter followers of @Mira at end of 2024, or if such account is deleted or suspended to the most recent number available on archive.org . If my follower count is temporarily reduced to 0, such as in the state shortly after an account is undeleted or unsuspended, I can wait for the numbers to recover.
This market resolves to the logarithmic interpolation between nearest bounding answers of the Follower Count, or 100% to an option if exact. New options will be added as needed before resolving, at twice or half the largest or smallest option. If the Follower Count is 0 and the issue is not temporary, it will resolve exactly 0.
Example: I have 2000 followers. The nearest options are 1500 and 3000. Then this market resolves (ln(2000) - ln(1500)) / (ln(3000) - ln(1500)) = 58% 1500 and 42% 3000.
Botted followers: I reserve the right to exclude purchased or botted followers from the count. I may resolve NA if I can't get an accurate count of these but believe the number to be significant.