Qvq Sr-Nane genqr njnl gur fbhyf bs Vbar Fnyn naq gur erfg bs gur Nex cebwrpg zrzoref gb Qvfcngre?
Apr 8

Did Fe-Anar trade away the souls of Ione Sala and the rest of the Ark project to Dispater?

Resolves at the end of planecrash to NO if no direct evidence or subtext is provided of this, even if the Ark plot thread is left unresolved.

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@MilfordHammerschmidt Should this resolve? The story is over, right?

@EvanDaniel Epilogue yet to be written

@MilfordHammerschmidt OK, thank you! Should it reopen for continued trading? Is there a point at which you'd decide an epilogue isn't coming and resolve based on current info?

@EvanDaniel Reopened, prob gonna resolve in mid-2024 if no comment from eliezer

@MilfordHammerschmidt I decided to make a question about epilogue details:

Gur jbeqf "Guerr Nane," "Vbar Fnyn," naq Uno Online ner nzbhagrq jvgu gur Zvqqyr bs Zlfgrel, naq gurl ner vqragvpnyyl vairfgvtngvba sbe gur rapelcgvba. Vg pna or npghnyyl bayl purpxrq ol crbcyr va gur Zvqqyr bs Zlfgrel, naq vg vf abg erzbirq nf na vairfgvtngvba sbe pbagragf be bgure cebcreglf.

I still don't have a good understanding of getting over it. Can you elaborate on this part?

can u please explain