Will California AB 3211 "California Provenance, Authenticity and Watermarking Standards" become law?
resolved Sep 1
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It looks like AB 3211 was never passed in the Senate and its Senate amendments were also never concurred. The legislative session is over so the bill is dead.

Confirmed here: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/artificial-intelligence/comprehensive-ai-watermarking-legislation-passed-in-california?context=search&index=1

Newsom will have until end of September to sign or veto a bill (SB 942) that would require companies to embed data to better track AI-generated content. A similar measure (AB 3211) failed to be considered by the state legislature before it adjourned on Saturday.

I think this should resolve NO.

@CharlesFoster thank you! I was going to wait the weekend to make sure I wasn't missing something/the caleg website wasn't up to date (but I now see https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billStatusClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB3211 an 8/31 action "Ordered to inactive file at the request of Senator Gonzalez" which I guess aligns with failure to be considered) but that's enough to resolve.

@MikeLinksvayer Makes sense. I think that those were all sensible calls on your part.

SB1047 continues to get vastly more attention but a few semi-recent posts about AB3211 all contrasting with SB1047 in some way: