According to Crunch base, Reddit has filed plans to IPO in March 2024. This question resolves yes if Reddit's IPO goes through and shares are available for trading in the public market.
Reddit’s public market debut on Thursday, under ticker symbol “RDDT"
Reddit prices IPO at $34 per share in first major social media offering since 2019
@ByrneHobart what does this mean about timing?
Approximate date of commencement of proposed sale to the public: As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Registration Statement.
@MikeChenSF It's usually a few weeks, e.g. TBBB filed on 1/18 and priced on 2/9. (F-1 not S-1 because they're a foreign issuer, but they're the closest to Reddit's size among recent IPOs.)
Looks like they'll have an IPO later than expected.
@bohaska That article is from 2023
More recent article: