The interview has been released, can resolve YES:
@DanHomerick I was holding a NO position because I was sure that Trump wouldn't perform well in a Lex interview, and that his campaign staff would steer him away.
I was wrong about the steering, clearly.
Having read the transcript, I don't think I was wrong about his performance, though. Lex gave him a lot of opportunities to make a play for undecided voters, to talk to the middle. Trump turned those opportunities down.
It was an interesting interview to see how Trump "handled it", but I can't say Trump said anything insightful or interesting. A bit disappointing, really -- Trump has had an interesting life, and I'm sure he has some interesting experiences to share, if only he could avoid dropping into a well-worn record groove. Which, apparently, he can't. :/
As far as I can tell, Trump appears almost exclusively on podcasts hosted by conservative talking heads, see here.