Will Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) resign before the end of July?
resolved Jul 23

This market resolves to YES if Robert Menendez announces his resignation from the US Senate before market close at the end of July 2024. Otherwise this market resolves NO.

If he is expelled from Congress, dies, or leaves Congress for any reason other than resignation, this market immediately resolves NO.

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this totally reads like it means he actually resigns his office before august, im calling @mods ?

> This market resolves to YES if Robert Menendez announces his resignation from the US Senate before market close at the end of July 2024.

"announces his resignation" "before market close at the end of July" - what's the mixup?

it can be read as:

announces his (resignation from the senate before market close)


announces his resignation, BEFORE market close

Why, whatever do you mean, Chris? There was an entire one minute and three seconds between the the posting of this clarification (without the @traders alert) and the "Manifold Politics bought แน€25,000 YES from 26% to 70%" trade. How could anyone consider that anything less than completely fair play by the creator/trader/resolver?

Well the goal there was to avoid any rules arguments between users news-trading vs users who held NO before the news, but I see that ship has sailed. Happy to pay out managram compensation to anyone who bought NO and thought this market was about the date the resignation became effective.

But I'll reiterate that it is the standard meaning of "resign" in prediction markets to count the announcement of the resignation. Further examples:

For markets without any specification like this one by a banned user, I believe the standard would be to resolve based on the announcement.

But I agree it's easy to misread, and these markets should all have "announce" in the title. I intend to include that for any future markets like this.

ty for being responsible responder joshua

I've gained a lot of sympathy for Polymarket and their ETF kerfuffle today

oh did this exact same thing happen but for the etf announcement lol

WHAT come on, that isnt RESIGNING before the end of july!! i was counting on him not doing it right away!!!

need to add 'announce' to the titles of these , srsly


This is pretty standard for these markets, but I'll make it more clear next time:

This market resolves to YES if Robert Menendez announces his resignation from the US Senate before market close at the end of July 2024.

the description is pretty clear about "announces his resignation"...

im reading that and getting both interpretations tbh

bought แน€11 YES

Maybe a better way to phrase the question was "announce his resignation before the end of July"?

that would make more sense

Clarification: If this report is roughly accurate and we get a letter of resignation before the end of the month, this market will resolve to YES even if the resignation is not effective until August 20th.

(edit: tweet deleted maybe)
