Will Trump win the popular vote in the 2024 Election?
Dec 2

This question will resolve YES if Donald Trump wins a plurality of the popular vote in the 2024 US presidential election.

Resolution will wait until there is an overwhelming consensus, based on a consensus of credible reporting such as the Associated Press.

This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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A vote for the Trump is the vote for 4 years of the good content. Which America is the one you would like to be living? What history will you want to being a part of?

@CryptoNeoLiberalist Trump is not good content though, that shit is so boring now. He just rambles and says retarded stuff. The shock factor wore off years ago and the moral disgust isn't fun anymore

@Tumbles To be completely fair, you are spot on with this. Like reruns but not such the good show. Maybe Seinfeld is on and it is like yes ok I can watch it again. But this is a shit show. Question is how will it dial up in new season and the new characters introduced. Will writing staff step up or just phone it in. Sad state of the affairs.

@CryptoNeoLiberalist Trump doesn't really promote constructive competitive conflict. His solution for the housing crisis is to eliminate completion for housing instead of creating new housing or fixing any of the other issues with housing. His plan for jobs is unclear but I imagine it's something along the same lines. His housing plan works for about a week, until all the REITs buy up all the available surplus and "stabilize" the market. He's just not smart enough to be a good leader or really to do anything other than appeal to the lowest common denominator. He is mind numbingly banal, once you realize this.

Assuming p(loses electoral college | wins popular vote) = 0 then there is an arbitrage with these two markets:



bought Ṁ50 NO

definitely not a safe assumption

@jade I dunno seems pretty safe to me, both polymarket and 538 have it at ~1%. You could bet YES on /RichardHanania/will-republicans-win-the-popular-vo-llm5g905qm--cash if you feel there is a chance for that.

opened a Ṁ40,000 NO at 23% order

@Gen any interested yessers?

bought Ṁ6,000 YES
bought Ṁ5,000 YES

Seems plausible.

@Joshua that's wrong for many reasons

I don't think I've seen any model that gives more than a 25% chance of a Harris pop vote win but Trump EC win. Either this market should be higher or Harris Presidency should be waaaaaay higher, or every model is wrong.

538 and Silver Bulletin don't agree on much but they agree on this.

@Joshua your house vote% is very wrong if you are trying to get the popular vote

Well obviously trump is much less popular than "generic republican" and this isn't a midterm so 2022 isn't as important as 2020 and 2016. But I think not enough people trust the models here.

opened a Ṁ25,000 NO at 30% order

@Joshua Had I known people followed the models that closely, I would have put the limit higher! another 25k at 30% if you are that interested

@Gen Nah i just wanted as many shares as semiotic

opened a Ṁ777 NO at 29% order

@Joshua this market is independent of EC result.

This is essentially a 3 month note with 22% interest

@datachef Why not put more than 1.3% of your portfolio into it then?

@BoltonBailey reallocating as we speak. Also thinking about whether I am going to look foolish or not. Better to do that earlier than later.

Never in my lifetime of the life have I seen such a candidate motivate the people like this to vote against them in elections. Really the biggest, best and most.

bought Ṁ1,000 NO at 22%

for a more granular market with more comparison points


Upgrading this market to premium, 100,000 mana up for grabs!


bought Ṁ100 YES

YES = cheap

bought Ṁ1,000 NO

@biased what forecast is that referencing?

@datachef Seems like Nate Silver, judging by the font.

@BoltonBailey Yep. Nate Silver / Silver Bulletin

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