Will the Manifold Markets apps have over 30 5-star reviews?
resolved Dec 19

At our Austin TX meetup, we will be offering out free T-shirts in exchange for a review of our app.

Looking at both our iOS and google app, will there be 30 5-star reviews between them before market close at the end of day tomorrow?

iOS Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/manifold-markets/id6444136749
Google Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.markets.manifold&pli=1

Please feel free to leave a review of our app too if you are reading this and haven't yet <3

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I've N/A'd this market as I hadn't realized there was a distinction between reviews and ratings when creating the resolution criteria.

There were over 30 ratings + reviews when I checked at closing time, but upon checking realised my mistake (and then forgot to come to a resolution decision).
Sorry about that everyone!


predicted NO

Going by the websites that were linked, I'm seeing 27 reviews and 26 5 star reviews...

predicted NO

I think this market ought to resolve either n/a or No, given the comments below.

predicted NO

The Play Store and the App Store make a distinction between a "rating" and a "review", and a review is only when you also leave a text comment. That would mean that currently there are seven 5 star reviews on the Play Store and none on the App Store (that I see from their web clients).

predicted YES

@Gabrielle then the way the Play Store displays this is very misleading

predicted NO

@CarsonGale Hm, they seem to use it in inconsistent ways, but I agree that a lot of places call them reviews. On https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/4346705?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid for example, it says the following, which implies that you rate the app by selecting a number of stars, and then only leave a review if you also write a comment.

  • To rate the app: Under “Rate this app," select the number of stars.

  • To leave a review: Under the star rating, tap Write a review.

sold Ṁ1,596 of YES

@Gabrielle That said, I've elected to exit my investment until this is clarified...thanks for noting. Thankfully I'll only take a minor loss on this one.

@Gabrielle nothing stops me from flagging the manifold market account for incorrectly resolving the market

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

My understanding is there are 26 5-star reviews on the Play Store and 4 on the Apple store, and I know 6 people who have since submitted 5-star reviews.

predicted YES

@CarsonGale 29 reviews on the Play Store & at least 4 on the App Store - this will resolve positively :)

predicted NO

@CarsonGale Hm, that's not what it shows on the Play Store for me. It's showing 15 reviews, all of 5 stars. I suspect that the Play Store might intentionally obscure the number of reviews to avoid people doing things like this market...

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@Gabrielle I imagine it is the difference between Web and Android. When I open on Web it shows 15 reviews and when I open on Andriod it shows 29 reviews. My understanding is that the Play Store tries to show you reviews that are applicable to your device - not sure though.

predicted NO

@CarsonGale That's really frustrating. I had bet on this assuming that the number shown on the web was accurate (and I had been watching it, so I thought I was safe), but it seems like I wasn't safe because I don't own an Android.

predicted YES

@Gabrielle That is super frustrating and TBH it freaked me out after I made my bet and then saw only 12 reviews on the web. As the likely winner here barring any shenanigans, I'd be happy to partially compensate your mana loss.

@CarsonGale oddly on my android the play store claims there are no reviews at all.

bought Ṁ100 of NO

Currently at 10, so would need a big push to get to 30.