Will Trump announce his VP pick during the June 27th debate?
resolved Jun 28

Resolves yes if and only if Donald Trump announces his VP pick during a debate between him and Biden on June 27th. If the debate starts on that day in the time zone of any area within any US state, it will count. If no debate occurs on that date, or if a VP pick is announced during that date but not during that debate, or if his VP pick is announced in a social media post during the debate, it will not be sufficient to resolve this market to yes. Only Donald Trump himself, in person, stating his VP pick verbally, or confirming when asked if a specific person is his VP pick during the debate itself will be sufficient to resolve this market to yes. Donald Trump announcing his VP pick before the debate is sufficient to immediately resolve this market to NO.

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Trump did not name his VP during the debate (unless you want to make some hyperannoying philosophy of language argument that he named Tim Scott, and if Tim Scott later turns out to be his VP, he named his VP. But that is clearly not what this market was intended for. So it will not fly.) so this market is resolving NO.

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