Will anyone say any words starting with the letter z at the June 27th debate?
resolved Jun 28

If no such debate occurs, this market will resolve to no. If the person is cut off, but it is very clear what word they were in the middle of saying, that will be sufficient to resolve to yes. It will resolve yes no matter who says the word (Trump, Biden, or a moderator). Made up words will not count. If a candidate simply says "Z" that will not count, as "Z" is not a word.

Any word in the following list will count:


No other words will count.


This debate is planned to have no audience, but if someone breaks in and shouts the word "Zebra" or something, that will count. Hacking a speaker to say "Zebra" would not though. The word needs to be spoken by a physically present human in the same room as the debaters and moderator (so someone standing outside of the room yelling through a megaphone loud enough to be heard through walls would not count.)

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bought Ṁ559 YES

From an AI generated transcript, it looks like the word "zones" was used. I will wait to more thoroughly check this, in a bit. It will almost certainly resolve YES within a few hours.

I can confirm that Trump said "opportunity zones" at 1:00:54 on this stream:


This will resolve yes now.

bought Ṁ50 YES

Z is a word: "from A to Z", "Z is the last letter of the alphabet", "I wrote a Z".

Z is a semantic unit with a clear meaning, a concrete referent, and an entry in the dictionary. You might spell it Z or zee (both are correct), but there is no sense in which Z is not a word. Your racist British propaganda has no place in a market about an American political debate!

There is a sense in which Z is not a word

Do you mean, if they just say the phoneme /z/?

No. I mean that most people, if asked whether Z is a word, would say “🤨 no, it’s a letter you dufus”. This is strong evidence that many people don’t consider the letter Z to be a word, and thus there is clearly a sense in which it isn’t

Rules update posted a few minutes after market creation. Nobody but me has traded the market at this time;


This debate is planned to have no audience, but if someone breaks in and shouts the word "Zebra" or something, that will count. Hacking a speaker to say "Zebra" would not though. The word needs to be spoken by a physically present human in the same room as the debaters and moderator (so someone standing outside of the room yelling through a megaphone loud enough to be heard through walls would not count.)