Will George Hotz get rid of the non-dismissable login pop-up at Twitter?
resolved Dec 6


Scrolling through Twitter without an account is almost impossible. After a few seconds this big pop-up hides all the interesting Tweets and forces you to log in:

Some people (like me) find this very annoying.

Recently George Hotz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Hotz) got hired for a 12 Week internship, after the Twitter aquisition by Elon Musk. He tweeted (https://twitter.com/realGeorgeHotz/status/1594906882027552773) that he will try to get rid of the pop-up. Will he succeed?

Resolution Criteria.

If by March the 1st of 2023 it is possible to use Twitter without an account and a nondismissable login pop-up (or something similar annoying as judged by me) this resolves as Yes. Note that this does not require George Hotz to be the one removing the pop-up!

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predicted YES

“It comes from a new theory of management. (I’ll note that he didn’t say this, this is an external observation)

  • by continually creating chaos, process is incapable of forming, and everyone is forced to work only toward goal.

This seems to only be possible with clearly accepted political dominance by a not incompetent evaluator, so it’s hard to scale, and even harder to make autonomous.”


predicted YES
predicted YES

(This has already occurred)

@Gigacasting I have seen the Tweets claiming this, but I still see the pop-up after scrolling for a while.

@Malte i am based in Germany. Would be interesting to hear if other people still see it or not.

@Malte to clarify: I would resolve this as yes if it got removed in the US, but not Germany, but I need to be convinced if this is the case.

bought Ṁ100 of YES


PSA: you can dismiss it by clicking "Sign up" and then close.

@lu cool😃

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