Will I enjoy my husband's "half lasagna half nachos"
resolved Sep 10

My husband has made a meal that he describes as "lasagne on the bottom and nachos on the top".

He's a generally good cook.

I generally claim to enjoy "vaguely healthy" food, however I admit to being charmed by greasy concoctions like anyone else. I would say I "enjoy" 90-95% of the meals we create.

I will be eating said culinary creation in the next half hour, but will close the market in 24 hours.

I will make a single bet on market creation and none after eating the food. My husband may do the same.

If anyone asks questions about the nature of the food, I will respond to them in good faith but will try not to reveal whether the food was good.

Will resolve YES if I "enjoy" the meal - that is, subjectively like it more than something that's "fine", and that I would not object to eating it again.

Will resolve NO if I don't want to finish it, if I would never want to eat it again, or if I eat something else instead.

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predicted NO

Final verdict: they were fine to good, essentially they were about 80% as good as our normal nachos (as he didn't make his usual nacho sauce), and the lasagne didn't really add anything and wasn't properly cooked.

There were a lot of leftovers which he's gleefully eating.

My resolution criteria were unclear, as I implied that YES = better than fine, and NO = inedible/ruined dinner. I should have been clearer. Discussing it with him we agreed that YES was the most sense as the spirit of the question was would I have a pleasant dining experience and I did, though I do not want to ever choose that "recipe" again.

Lessons learned: next time I'll give better resolution criteria and make something explicit about resolving to a percentage, as I think that would have been a better call this time if I had something to do with it.

predicted NO

It smells good though...

bought Ṁ10 of NO

He says, "don't start yet, there's lots more" and has now taken out a tray with avocado, spring onion, tomato, a jar of jalapenos and a jar of pickled onions. He's remarked that it is not as tall as he expected and he's worried the pasta hasn't cooked.