Will Oregon's 2023 plastic container return rate be higher or lower than 2022?
Aug 1


The Oregon Bottle Bill aims to reduce litter and promote recycling, with specific provisions for different types of bottle materials, including plastic. The return rate for plastic containers has fluctuated over the years, with recent data showing a trend towards improvement in recycling efforts. Will the trend continue or will Oregon see a decrease in recycling rates in 2024?

Oregon Plastic Recycling Rates (2012-2022)

2022 - 83.9%

2021 - 78.4%

2020 - 75.0%

2019 - 83.5%

2018 - 74.9%

2017 - 68.5%

2016 - 54.6%

2015 - 51.9%

2014 - 55.4%

2013 - 57.9%

2012 - 54.4%

Market Resolution

This is a prediction market. Market will close the day before OLCC is required to report the data (31 Jul 2024)

The market will resolve to HIGHER if the 2023 plastic recycle rate is greater than the 2022 plastic recycle rate.

The market will resolve to LOWER if the 2023 plastic recycle rate is less than or equal to the 2022 plastic recycle rate.

ORS 459A.718(6)(a) requires the OLCC to calculate the return percentage of beverage containers for each distributor cooperative and each distributor/importer not in a cooperative, based on the previous year's data, by August 1 of every calendar year. Market will resolve based on this data.


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