Will Lorxus attend the ILIAD Unconference?
resolved Aug 26


Lorxus would like to meet lots of smart cool researchers at ILIAD so that ey can show those researchers all of eir shiny research results and cool objects and mathematical insight and maybe even get to work with them. Unfortunately, Lorxus, who is participating in the summer 2024 run of SERI MATS, has not yet been accepted to ILIAD, and also technically does not have housing at Lighthaven for the few days after the end of MATS and before the beginning of ILIAD.

The market will resolve YES if Lorxus is alive, cogent, and physically located anywhere in Berkeley within a 100 yard radius of the three people ey mentioned wanting to talk to in eir application during the time that ILIAD will occur, and otherwise will resolve NO.

Lorxus politely requests that any ~do-operation interventions resulting from your seeing this market be significantly causally upstream of em, and that they be ones likely to make the market resolve YES.

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