Will Stable Diffusion 3 top imgsys.org at any point in 2024 (assuming it is released)?

Assuming that weights for Stable Diffusion 3 are released in 2024 and it is added to imgsys.org, will the base Stable Diffusion 3 model be ranked above every non-SD3 open-weights model.

Note: If weights for Stable Diffusion 3 are not released in 2024 (or it is not added to imgsys), this question will resolve ambiguously.

"open weights" means widely available for download (possibly after signing an agreement form), not necessarily open-source.

This question is about base Stable Diffusion 3, that is to say the official weights released by Stability AI. However, the question may still resolve positive if base SD3 is ranked above every model that is not a derivative of SD3. If there are multiple models officially released by Stability AI (as expected), this resolves positive if any of them are top-ranked.

That is to say, a ranking like this:
1. Super Duper SD3 fine tune (not by Stability)
2. Stable Diffusion 3
3. Some other model

resolves positive.

But a ranking like this:

1. Super Duper SD3 fine tune (not by Stability)

2. Some other model

3. Stable Diffusion 3

Does not.

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