Will the Donation Election Fund get ≥$5000 in contributions, conditional on NO match by the Online Team?
resolved Nov 9

The CEA Online Team is planning on hosting a Donation Election, where users will vote on how to distribute a Donation Election fund: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/x2KfyNe8oPR4dqGkf/ea-forum-plans-for-giving-season-2023 
As mentioned in the announcement, the Online Team is considering matching donations to the fund, up to $5000.

If the Online Team announces that it will NOT match donations (this should be announced when the fund opens), will other people contribute at least $5000 to the fund by the time voting in the election starts (in early December)?

See the pair question here.

- If the Online Team announces some kind of matching scheme for this fund, this question will resolve “N/A.”

- If individual people on the Online Team donate to the fund, their donations will count like those of anyone else. 

- I’ll resolve the question when voting starts.

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