Was mathematics created (YES) or discovered (NO)?

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It was introduced. Next question? :-)

bought Ṁ1 of YES

Math is an instrument, designed to fit simple cases of reality. Natural numbers do not exist somewhere out there, they were made as a model of laws of conservation.

bought Ṁ1 of YES

Mix of both? E.g. the axioms of set theory aren't inherent in nature. The idea "this is what a set is, here's what you're allowed to do with it" is created, then the natural consequences of those rules are discovered.

I think you can finely divide what has been created and what has been discovered, but we call both of those things mathematics, so it's muddled.

bought Ṁ20 of NO

How does this resolve?

@a It doesn't ;)

bought Ṁ6 of NO

@NikitaBrancatisano I would assume it resolves once we have proof of one side being correct, or once a consensus exists among experts.

predicts YES

@TimothyCurrie I'm not sure how you could possibly prove it one way or the other. And the experts in this case are probably philosophers, who are famous for not coming to a consensus on anything, ever.

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