Will Zach Star post a comedy sketch on these number types?
Jun 2
(non-integer) rational numbers
negative numbers
irrational numbers
(non-real) complex numbers

The YouTube channel Zach Star Himself has posted the videos below. How far will he take this?

The day the number 1 was invented:
The day the number 0 was invented:

A video on a specific number will also cause the market on that number's type to resolve yes. For example, a video titled "The day the number -1 was invented" or "The day negative numbers were invented" would likely make the first market resolve Yes.

These will resolve based on the spirit of the market. For example, if for some reason a relevant sketch is posted by a non-Zach Star account or to a platform other than YouTube, the corresponding market will likely resolve Yes, provided it is clear that Zach Star was significantly involved in the production of the sketch. Specifically educational videos with little to no comedy will not cause these markets to resolve.

All remaining markets will resolve No on 06/01/2024.

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