Will a random integer in [0, 99] be less than my Rice Purity Score on August 17, 2024?
Aug 18

Resolves on 8/17/24 based on
- My score on http://ricepuritytest.com/
- The first random integer that I generate from a [0,99] query on https://www.random.org/ after posting this question.

On 8/17/2023, my score was 98. On 06/01/24, I will edit this description to reveal the random number. Before then, I will not act in a way that gives other people evidence of what the number is. I will not trade in this market.

EDIT: the FairlyRandom bot will be used instead of random.org. See comments.

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It has come to my attention that there is a Manifold bot with the primary purpose of publicly generating random numbers. If there are no objections, I will change the resolution criteria to use the following procedure (instead of a random.org call) to generate the number used to resolve the market.

On 06/01/23, I will close the market. I will then make the following call to the FairlyRandom bot exactly once.
@FairlyRandom min=0 max=99
I will reopen the market 24 hours after the result of the call appears.
The result, x, will be used to resolve this market. (Specifically, the market will close again at 11:59 pm PT 8/17/24, and will resolve YES if x is less than my RPS at the end of that day and NO otherwise.)

(oops 06/01/23 should say 06/01/24)