Resolves to market if this market has <= 25 traders, otherwise resolves to YES.
resolved Jun 27

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bought Ṁ10,000 of YES

@Lavander resolves YES

bought Ṁ1 of NO

@DeadRhino dunno dude, a lot of suspicions accounts, maybe keep the market closed for a few days, have a discussion

sold Ṁ104 of YES

99.6% is it worth a new trader joining?

bought Ṁ10,000 of YES

@ChristopherRandles what do you mean, it is at 25 traders right?

predicted NO

@PC 25 resolves to market

predicted NO

existing trader could sell it down if it stay like that

predicted YES

@ChristopherRandles gotcha, but at 26 it becomes a yes?

predicted NO

@PC true but at 99.6 there isn't much to be gained, I would leave a bit more for 26th trader but if you think someone will accept 0.4% then fine.

predicted YES

@ChristopherRandles I guess now it gets interesting :). It is pretty risky for an existing trader to sell down

predicted NO

26 reached

bought Ṁ100 of YES

reached <s>22 23</s> 24.

If it is at 25 it will surely attract a 26th trader.

So if it is at 24 someone will think it pretty safe yes if they enter market because then it will be at 25

So if it is at 23 ....

24 is too close, two new people could bet no in last few seconds, so better to get in early with yes bet.