Detroit LVT: Will the assessments pass an independent IAAO ratio study? (2028)

Detroit is planning on an LVT project. It still has to pass a few legislative hurdles, but Mayor Duggan is pushing hard. You can read all about it here:

This market resolves N/A if the LVT project is not implemented by the expiration date.

If the plan is put into effect, and the Detroit assessor's full market values (not to be confused with the taxable values) used in its first year are able to pass an independent IAAO-standard ratio study, this market resolves YES. Otherwise it resolves NO.

Here is the IAAO's standard on ratio studies:

For our purposes we will further stipulate:

  • Overall Median ratio no lower than 0.95 and no higher than 1.05

  • Single Family Residential Median Ratio no lower than 0.95 and no higher than 1.05

  • Commercial Median Ratio no lower than 0.95 and no higher than 1.05

  • Single-Family Residential Coefficient of Dispersion < 20%

  • Commercial Coefficient of Dispersion < 20%

As for uniformity tests, either of these will be acceptable:

  • Single-Family and Commerical PRD's no lower than 0.98 and no higher than 1.03, OR

  • A stratum test on all major categories (property class, property age, location such as neighborhood or market region, etc) demonstrates that the Median ratio for that category is also no lower than 0.95 and no higher than 1.05

Sales included in the ratio study must follow commonly accepted industry standards for validating arms-length sales.

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