Will the West Coast of the island of Hawai'i experience "Coral Bleaching Warning Level 2" before 2025?

When ambient ocean temperatures exceed the regional norm for some period of time, coral may "bleach," expelling photosynthetic algae. This may lead to coral death. Early-August predictions for 2023 Main Hawaiian Islands Regional Products 2023-07-31 (noaa.gov)) suggest that Hawaii may avoid a coral bleaching event in 2023.

The question is what is a reasonable expectation for 2024, given the various cycles (La Nina -> El Nino, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, etc.) and sea-temperature anomalies being reported. Specifically, I expect "Warning Level 2" as highly likely to coincide with a bleaching event.

To resolve this question, a "Yes" would result from the "Current" prediction on the NOAA page linked above being "Level Alert 2" red-brown color for the majority of pixels on the West Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii (The prediction pixels are pretty big, so ambiguity is unlikely. But for reference, I'm talking about the coastline between 19-20N and just under -156W.)

I've set a resolution for 1/1/25 because the ocean temperature normally peaks in the Fall.

(Errata: This is my 1st question, so please feel free to constructively criticize.)

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