Will my 3d computer graphics project take less than 75 hours?
May 10

Features the project must have will be revealed by the teacher in parts. What I already know:

  • Define Vertex, Edge, Face, Poly linked structs/classes. (Each edge has pointers to its neighbor faces/edges/vertices and so on)

  • Make scripts to generate polystructures.

  • Make a program to open .vtk and show wireframes and lighted objects (like polyhedra, spheres) made of rasterised triangle-faces.

I suspect there will also be tasks like rotate the object, move the camera point, move light source.

I will do the project in C++ with WinAPI.

That is continuation of my computer graphics class. Here is the previous market:

Result of the previous project (got 15/15 points after spending 26h total):


My experience with 3d:

Point cloud in Love2d https://youtu.be/1QWyA5mqaG8?si=PHh5pjpPCKjQE0dJ

My own uneducated attempt to create polygon graphics in Love2d (that means I was "inventing" the formulas and algorithms instead of reading them in the internet)


The market closure is yet unknown.

I will post updates in the comments. I will not bet.

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