All trackers start at 0 after the corresponding option creation (what happened before the market does not count). All trackers stop on the 0:00:00 1st september.
This market consists primarily of trackers: integer N resolves the corresponding option to the value N%. If a tracker reaches >100, then option resolves to 100%.
I will comment new values in the comments, but I will not reveal my plans for the future. I will not bet.
You can suggest new interesting trackers.
This comment will contain current values.
28 icecreams
1 project euler task solved
26h reading
16h progr
9h editing
(I did not count reading for the exams, because i do not treat it as "summer fun")
This comment will contain current values.
28 icecreams
1 project euler task solved
26h reading
16h progr
9h editing
(I did not count reading for the exams, because i do not treat it as "summer fun")
5 icecreams. Hot summer, I think the current market value is too low.
1 project Euler problem solved
2h recr progr
1 ìcecream
1h reading