How many hours will my 3d computer graphics project take?
resolved May 5

Features the project must have will be revealed by the teacher in parts. What I already know:

Define Vertex, Edge, Face, Poly linked structs/classes. (Each edge has pointers to its neighbor faces/edges/vertices and so on)

Make scripts to generate polystructures.

Make a program to open .vtk and show wireframes and lighted objects (like polyhedra, spheres) made of rasterised triangle-faces.

I suspect there will also be tasks like rotate the object, move the camera point, move light source.

I will do the project in C++ with WinAPI.

Previous project:

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17:00 reflective was solved. then i changed something in config txt file, and now the program freezes on launch. Does not freeze like once in 10 times...

16:30 some minor bugs, direct lighting works but ambient and reflective do not.

16:00 it draws something. Messy, because you can see through, but I think just one conceptual thing is needed before I can call it complete. Will use surface normals to calculate whether camera should see the surface. Might take 1-4 more hours.

15:30 previous things are not broken, i think, new code for lighting is done. Now i need to implement drawing pixels depending on their distance ( depthbuffer).

14:30 started working after: tried to compile with debug version of the compiler, it failed because it can't find WinAPI function. But after that Release version worked with 0 bugs and 0 freezes. Recorded a video to show my teacher, that it compiles SOMETIMES.

I do not understand what I am doing, but at least I can do the next step, And I have 13 hours in a day( till I go to sleep today).

14:00 I do not understand how the bugs appear. I am literally comparing 2 git versions, and the only line which was chenged is not even executed in the test, yet its existance causes freezes.

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@KongoLandwalker clean build?

@qqii i don't know what that means.

@qqii I am building everything again after every commit. I do not have any files compiled by previous version.

13:00 everything with wireframe works. just 1 huge thing is left: coloring the lighted faces. Have a day for that.

7:05 working on controls

7:35 working on projection methods

8:05 on opening files

8:35 chnging objects to pointers to hold less in memory

9:05 test compilation gave 500 errors. The program is not supposed to compile yet, there are many undefined things, but i do that just to see how far from the end i am.

9:35 reduced the number of errors to 307

10:05 reduced the number of errors to 12. Now can continue implementing functionality

10:35 compile errors to zero. but memory runtime error at opening files. Have to solve this first before anything

11:10 i can draw wireframes of cube and spheres, but the image is not centered, and many bugs. The mst difficult part (lighting) is still ahead

12:10 bugs and bugs, can't move further: the next part depends on the problematic one

6:18 corrected testing file, added depth buffer, line rendering function.

Upcoming difficulties: reading the file and filling a global Scene with the geometry. Reading config to set up lighting.

5:25 script to generate a testing sphere is ready. But to read it in the main program I now have to come up with a method to store the geometry. Doing how it is done professionally with pointers is a slippery path, big chance to make mistkes.

5h. Camera movement and rotation done, now thinking about file formats/reading. Looks like i need to make a separate program to generate files, which will be used to test on.

4h. Implementing camera and overloading operators.

3h tally. Was including the suitable code bits (like color definitions, screen buffer, etc) from my 2d project, and it is already 430 lines of code over 3 headers and one .c . Have not yet defined structures to hold 3d entities


Drawing schemes and planning datastructures drafts on paper.

Have not started yet.

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