ChatGPT said one needs 200h of training, will I complete a marathon sooner?
Dec 31

Current level: beginner.

Can run about 500m before feeling tired. Distance record >4years ago: 11km in 70minutes.

Success means:

running a marathon distance without stopping or slowing down to walk. It does not have to be an official event.

All attempts to complete a marathon also count towards the training-time-tally.

Updates and the tally in the comments.

(I might do a spreadsheet)

If my total running time reaches 200h the market resolves NO.

If I complete marathon sooner, resolves YES.

I have found a nice 10k loop, and it motivated me: hey, just 4 and a bit circles on the track.

100 mana limit order at 15%.

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Today I have been running 43 minutes total and ran 5.1 km.

Also today I have covered 21 km total (including both walking and running).

Best of luck!

when I was running I found a lot of success with the Galloway method (walk/run cycles) - I would be faster on a 5k with Galloway than with a 5k where I ran without stopping.

Sad that you can't do that 😂

After today's training I understood i would not be able to complete it with the pairs of shoes i have. One creates friction on the heel, another creates friction under toes. Will likely not run until I find a good pair.

To finish a marathon in about 5 hours, during which you would probably be walking for about 1 h and running for 4, you would probably need much less than 200 hours, probably more like 60-80 hours (If you are under 30 you might only need about 20 or 30 hours). Never slowing down probably makes it a lot harder.

@justifieduseofFallibilism My expectation is to finish in 6 hours, but not switching to walk. I am allowed to run as slow as a snail though.

+12 minutes. 1.5k run

+7 minutes, 800m

+24 minutes, 2.8 km

bought Ṁ40 NO

Best of luck! You can do it!

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