Will I still be using Manifold in early december?
resolved Jan 3

I am noticing my interest for Manifold waning, as discussed in https://manifold.markets/Austin/will-manifold-judge-betting-streaks . It used to be very prominent in my life, and to consult it regularly to gain insights and ask questions.

I am not exactly sure whether this disinterest is a property of Manifold or of me. It might be that manifold is moving in a new direction or emerging from its early-life stage and only the novelty was interesting to me.

This market resolves yes if I judge that Manifold is relevant to me on December 1st and that I am still using it significantly. This is somewhat subjective, it's not defined by the amount of engagement I have, and more how much I pay attention to it.

I would have answered "Yes" a month ago, and "no" any point this week.

I will not be betting on this market. I have put reminders to resolve this market in case I have completely stopped using it at that point

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts here! Really appreciate you being open with your disinterest - it's super informative to us and helps diagnose what's working and what's not.

I don't know if we've ever taken the time to properly thank you for all your contributions so far - between your research into FR onto CPMM and the GraphQL API, the various mockups you've posted about how to improve our designs, and your constant presence on Discord and Manifold, we owe you a metric ton of gratitude. Whether you're still here in December or not, thank you so, so much for all your support to date!

What are your favorite markets and:or interactions You’ve had on manifold?

bought Ṁ30 of YES

Mana is worth more when this is true. Especially to you, yes?

@Gurkenglas For me yes indeed. I'm not sure how that would impact others though, as I said, I intend to resolve this market even if I'm not using manifold anymore

@JoyVoid I am unsure where you are going with this, so I might have missed a point