Will I Pass the California State Driver’s Knowledge Test on February 21st?
resolved Feb 21

I've signed up for the Learner's Permit test in 16 days. I've done no studying thus far... but I'd really like to pass, so I'll likely put in the effort to study!

Anyways, resolves YES if I pass (37 or more correct answers), resolves NO if I don't (36 or fewer). If the appointment is rescheduled, then this market will resolve based on how I do on the test on that date.

I will not bet NO on this market.

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predicted YES

I passed y’all! I got 43 out of 45 correct! I’m not really sure how much this market motivated me, but hey, thanks y’all for betting!!

predicted NO

@JoshuaB Congrats!! Super happy for you – good luck with the practical stuff! (Should hopefully be easier for you than me given that you don't live in the middle of SF, haha)

predicted YES

The studying that I’ve done thus far: I've read the driver’s handbook twice and read through this collection of useful numbers a few times.

For more studying, I plan on basically repeating that a few more times.

I just took Class C Test #1 (found here), and got 9 out of 10, though I took it right after reading the driver’s handbook the second time.

predicted YES

@JoshuaB I've read the driver's handbook once more!

I took Class C Test #2 and got 7 out of 10.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@JoshuaB Re-read it again, and took the third test, got 8 out of 10.

Naturally, being the contrarian nerd that I am, I think that I didn’t deserve to get one of the questions wrong, namely this one:

It would seem to me that the speed limit sign can be ignored with good cause, given the Basic Speed Law:

I wonder if the reason that it doesn’t apply is that it’s only a 5 MPH difference?

Regardless, ““I still don’t think I’m wrong,”” and this should obviously be counted as me getting 9 out of 10.

predicted NO

@JoshuaB I'm pretty sure the basic speed law says that the speed limit is an upper bound on your speed at all times, and that said bound may be lowered as a result of conditions (e.g. you can be cited for doing 60 in a 65 if doing anything above 40-50 is clearly unsafe)? At least, that's how I remember it...

predicted YES

@stq Thanks for the explanation! I think that sounds legit enough to me. “”I got that one right on Practice test 4””, clearly means I learnt something (not just that I’ve memorized the answer)

Anyways, I got 8 out of 10 on this one, so once again exactly what I need to have to pass... which is kinda concerning that it’s not higher, but hey, whatcha gonna do.

predicted YES

@JoshuaB And boom! 10 out of 10 on the practice test 5! That means I got 42/50 overall which is 84%, a passing score (though admittedly one of the questions was repeated... but even ignoring that one I would still be over 80%). I guess now to take random internet driving tests!!

predicted YES


“”Thanks driving tests dot org.”” This one felt easier than the sample DMV questions, hopefully the real exam tomorrow is like this! Anyways, I think I’ll continue taking miscellaneous practice tests and re-reading the handbook!!

bought Ṁ10 of NO

the test is surprisingly tricky! i passed it first try but it's nowhere near guaranteed

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@stq Yeah, I personally think the market is waaaayyyy over-priced and continue to predict YES for... good luck or something?

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@JoshuaB Yeah. Obviously, I don't know what your study routine is like (are you taking a course? it's useless, do it if it's a legal requirement but then cram https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/file/california-driver-handbook-pdf and use https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/driver-education-and-safety/educational-materials/sample-driver-license-dl-knowledge-tests/ for practice tests), but I'd say your likelihood of passing is probably ~75%; higher than baseline rates b/c you're, like, older than 15 and proofnik levels of smart, but still nontrivial possiblity of failing.

predicted NO

(sections 5-12 of the booklet, in particular)

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Yikes! Base rate is 55% failure per this!