Would Biden be more likely to win the election if he replaced Harris on the ticket?
Conditional on Biden as the candidate, Harris will be the VP candidate
Conditional on Biden & Harris ticket, Biden wins the election
Conditional on Biden & Anyone But Harris ticket, Biden wins the election

This is an unlinked market asking if it would improve Biden's chances of winning the election if he replaced Kamala Harris on the ticket.

Options will resolve N/A if their condition does not occur.

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harris is awful but i’m not sure ditching her would do much other than signal instability in the party’s upper ranks

Conditional on Biden & Harris ticket, Biden wins the election

Given that "& Harris" is almost certain, this one arbitrates with /LarsDoucet/will-joe-biden-win-the-2024-us-pres

Conditional on Biden as the candidate, Harris will be the VP candidate


Arbitrates with the difference between those two. A few seconds ago, both were at 88%.

Conditional on Biden & Anyone But Harris ticket, Biden wins the election
GabrielleboughtṀ10Conditional on Biden... YES

Welcome to The Harris Hater Club. She polls so badly!