Will Trump and Biden shake hands at the first debate in June?
Jun 27

This market resolves YES if there is footage of Trump and Biden shaking hands at their first debate in June.

This market is intended to be about the scheduled CNN debate on June 27th, but would also include if that debate were rescheduled or cancelled or cancelled and replaced with another debate, so long as it happens in June 2024.

If they do not shake hands on the day of their debate, or if there is no debate in June, this market resolves NO. This market will be scheduled to close just before the debate, and will resolve the day after.

From Wikipedia:

A handshake is a globally widespread, brief greeting or parting tradition in which two people grasp one of each other's hands, and in most cases, it is accompanied by a brief up-and-down movement of the grasped hands.

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What’s up with all these new accounts taking fairly large positions in this market (and not betting on any other markets)? Looks like alts to me.

yeah they definitely are, they are all claiming the manifest manalink

And it seems like they are taking both positions to get a guaranteed prize points payout

Strangely they all are verifying a phone number

I'm thinking it might be fuh again...

bought Ṁ750 YES

It starts when you begin to overlook good manners. Any time you quit seeing handshakes, the end is pretty much in sight

bought Ṁ500 YES from 38% to 39%

They shouldn't even pretend. They should pose with their fists at each others' face, like they do before MMA matches.

@aashiq They shouldn't even pretend that they're debating. They should just have an MMA match. /s

Now, let's work on getting this straightened out: "brief up-and-down movement of the grasped hands." Is 1-2 pumps enough for it to be determined a handshake? If Trump just grabs Biden's hand for 1 pump and Biden pulls it away and says "Oww man!" was that considered a handshake or an attempted handshake?

@Predictor I would say if their palms touch in the handshake position for even 1/100th of a second it should be enough

@nsokolsky I don't know. What if one offers a handshake and the other slaps it away? /s

@HankyUSA hahahahahhaha then 50% resolution?

I'd support that if it gets added to the description! @Joshua should consider it! 😅

@Joshua Please clarify.

Resolution criteria say

two people grasp one of each other's hands, and in most cases, it is accompanied by a brief up-and-down movement of the grasped hands.

Which, by my reading, clearly means that the up-and-down motion is not required for it to count. Would be good to make that explicit!

@jack I don't know who you are, but I would like to hear it from the market creator to be 99% certain I am making the correct bet, especially on a prize market, thank you very much.

A grasp is still a handshake without any specific amount of movement. I won't count fistbumps or high fives, though.

❤ 🤝

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