Dutch Eurovision artist Joost Klein is out of the final today while under investigation - will he be charged by 6/11?
resolved Jun 15


Read the full statement from the EBU below:

The Dutch artist Joost Klein will not be competing in the Grand Final of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

Swedish police have investigated a complaint made by a female member of the production crew after an incident following his performance in Thursday night’s Semi Final. While the legal process takes its course, it would not be appropriate for him to continue in the Contest.

If it is known that Joost has been formally charged with any crime in relation to this investigation before June 11th, this market will resolve to YES. Otherwise, resolves NO.

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@Joshua I think this resolves NO? (I mean, I can't find anything at least)

bought Ṁ3,000 NO

As best I can find, situation has not changed, he has not been charged.

Oh wow!

The police have not yet handed over the case to the prosecutor.

We expect to be able to do it at the beginning of June. Normally, we have a processing time of around six to eight weeks, says Emil Andersson, head of the investigative emergency in Malmö. But in this case, we have used a legal process called accelerated prosecution.

According to Emil Andersson, they have used faster prosecution because they consider the evidence to be good in combination with the fact that it is not a more serious crime.

The prognosis is good and we expect that there will probably be a prosecution, he says.

@Joshua The prosecution in Sweden can choose between (at least) a) "lägga ned utredningen" = not bring charges. b) "strafföreläggande" = impose a fine/penalty order, means there will be no trial in court, happens for less serious crimes when the suspect confesses. c) "väcka åtal" = bring charges, there will be a trial in court. Translations are by google of this page from the Swedish prosecution: https://www.aklagare.se/om_rattsprocessen/fran-brott-till-atal/

Q: Does option b) count as YES or NO?

I can't find the answer on Google, and I think option b) is likely to happen: I think the police will bring the case to the prosecutor, then if Joost confessed to the police, which can easily happen if he don't know how the system works (he can agree to what happened without realizing he admits to a crime), the result will likely be a fine but no trial. If he didn't confess to the police I believe that the prosecution won't touch this. So I believe that option a) might happen, option b) likely, and option c) unlikely.

@smokey Ah, always tricky making markets with legal terminology.

If technically he's only "charged" under scenario c, then I think I should probably require scenario c for this market to resolve Yes because I used the word charged.

@Joshua From this article


translated using Google translate:

"The police investigation has now been handed over to prosecutor Fredrik Jönsson at the Malmö Prosecutor's Chamber.

- It is about Joost and his defenders wanting a number of people in the Netherlands to be heard, he says.

Now he must decide whether that will be the case. The next step after that is service and making a decision on possible prosecution."

So what I said above about option b) being likely was (likely) nonsense; he of course has lawyers so they will fight the case, and if the prosecutor wants to take it further it will be decided in court.

Still, if the prosecutor decides to send it back to the police so that they can hear people in Holland I don't think it will meet the June 11 deadline.

@smokey Good to know! Maybe we should have another market with a more distant end date

@Joshua Yes I would bet on such a market. (But maybe wait a little because if they decide not to hear a bunch of people in the Netherlands I guess this will resolve soon)

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