Let's study birth order effects!
If you are a twin/triplet/etc with other siblings, consider yourself tied with them.
@ftkurt This furthers the theory that the overrepresentation on Manifold is due to subsequent children after the first having diminished reading comprehension
@Tumbles He did vote for "5th or more", I think he just wanted to be clear that he was in the "more" category.
I do want him to introduce his eldest sibling to Manifold for science, though.
@Joshua Yup; precisely. I was joking that i was simply thrown into “others” option which “5th and more” is.
What if firstborn kids have their opinion taken more seriously than their siblings, because they are usually the smartest kid in the family while growing up (simply by being older). And then there could be a correlation between having your opinion taken seriously growing up, and being interested in Manifold.
@Tumbles I wouldnt say because they have better opinions but that they always have a younger sibling that will make their opinions matter. Growing up I ve always seen my older siblings wiser. Only when became an adult I ve seen that that was not the truth. For instance once I started learning computer science, I understood how full of $hit my brother was. He was simply spitting nonse, because I did not know it growing up. Consuming whatever he would threw at me. You can understand how much confidence such a way of growing up will give to you as the oldest sibling. So overrepresentation to me indeed is about the willingness rather than being smart or lack there of. It just is.
this is wild - sharing for reach
come join the census and share your birth order?
@Tumbles It is in fact narrowing... perhaps older siblings are good at answering polls right as they are posted?
@Joshua One explanation might be that the people who answered this poll and the people who answered Scott's survey are not the same as the rest of the SSC/Manifold userbase. A test for correlation: