Are you a linguistical Descriptivist or a Prescriptivist?
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@Joshua I can’t help noticing your excellent grammar. Perhaps you appreciate and/or tolerate expressive, non-grammatical descriptivism, but adhere to grammatical prescriptivism in your own practice?

@SusanneinFrance I wouldn't say that's a very accurate description because I make little typos constantly 😅

@Joshua 🙃

I belive language is a tool for communication. Therefore one can both describe the existing tools and design hopefully better ones.


I belive language is a tool for communication. Therefore you can only say one form of it is worse than another when it objectively is worse for communication. Usually that aligns me with descriptivists, since I care little about common misspellings, slang, etc. Slang for example is invented to fill a purpose, of speaking about something that was previously hard to describe. Generally if people speak a certain way they usually have a good reason.

No description = no vote

Descriptivist, with some exceptions like the newly diluted meaning of "exponential".

@TrevorAndersen This falls under my mathematics / science exception clause

Oh my— I love reading a grammatically well-crafted sentence, paragraph, story or novel. Conversely, I treasure the trends and evolution of grammatical usage which allow for delicious expressions and memes.

In mathematics / hard science I am an absolute prescriptivist. But everywhere else, I'm a reasonable human being without a superiority complex.

Thank goodness we use the dictionary, not the prescriptionary

I am descriptively a descriptivist but prescriptively a prescriptivist

@jacksonpolack This is a joke but also the correct position.