Will there be scientific consensus that a room-temperature *semi*conductor exists on September 1?
resolved Aug 3

Resolves YES if there is scientific consensus that it is possible to create a semiconductor at 20°C through a known process on September 1, 2023.

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predicted YES

Planning to resolve this N/A so that people who were mislead don't take a negative profit. Right now, I get this error when I try, though.

predicted YES

@DavidChee thanks

Unlisting as it's deceptive

predicted YES

If you bet NO before I changed the title, you can sell it and I will give you a managram equal to the loss you took.

sold Ṁ26 of NO

@JosephNoonan :( i was just waking up and in the shower

predicted YES

How are NO traders placing their bets without using room-temperature semiconductors?

bought Ṁ100 of YES
bought Ṁ10 of NO

Isn't there already semiconductors that work on 20°C?
If so, this market is deceptive to make people think they are predicting for SCs.

bought Ṁ9 of NO

@PanosFilianos bro tell me it's a typo

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@PanosFilianos oh dear I totally read this wrong. This should resolve to N/A because it's already known

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@PanosFilianos Yes, it's a pun, hence the meme markets tag. I wanted to see how carefully people read the question.

sold Ṁ77 of NO

@JosephNoonan I don't know if this is allowed per the ToS, because of the +5 MANA bonus per user trading.

predicted YES

@PanosFilianos I don't see how the mana bonus affects whether it's allowed. People make meme markets on assured outcomes all the time.

@JosephNoonan Especially since you are trading the market, making profit off people that misread this.

predicted YES

@PanosFilianos Fair enough, I made the title clearer, and I can reimburse the losses of anyone who bet NO thinking it was superconductors.

sold Ṁ0 of NO

@JosephNoonan thanks, 8 mana pls

@JosephNoonan Why not N/A-ing the market instead?

@jack To keep 5-mana trader bonuses, I think.

@JosephNoonan This is basically spam. We don’t need any more of those kinds of markets.

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