This market resolves YES if there are 69+ unique traders by time of closing
resolved May 10

Will resolve YES if there are at least 69, or more, unique traders, as shown in the market details. NO otherwise

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Unlisted as this is a self referential market:

bought Ṁ5 of NO

@ian what does "unlisted" means? I just saw a similar market and thought that it would be ok to create mine

@JonnyBairstow Hey! Welcome to Manifold! Sorry to unlist ya right off the bat but these types of markets don’t add much to the community so they’re liable to be unlisted. We dont have perfect enforcement, though, so they don’t always get unlisted.

@JonnyBairstow Unlisted means it doesn’t show up on feeds

predicted NO

@ian I see a lot of seemingly self referential markets, even a whole group for them. Do I need to assign the right group, or use different phrasing in the description to not get unlisted? or am I just unlucky?

@JonnyBairstow Which group do you mean? It could be that not all self referential markets are subject to being unlisted. We’re still developing the guidelines and can’t cover every case. In any case you can simply resolve this market n/a and get your ante back

predicted NO

@ian it's called "self-resolving", not every market there is self referential, but many are

@JonnyBairstow Oh I see what you’re saying. I think the line between contributing/not contributing/spam is a bit fuzzy with some of those. Perhaps we’ll have to add to the guidelines that ‘will this market get x traders’ and the like will be unlisted if we see them and other self referential markets may be delisted as well.