If there is an orgy at manifest 2, will I be invited?
resolved Jun 12

Resolves N/A if there is no orgy

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@Joshua Can you resolve N/A

Do you have to accept the invite for this to resolve yes or do you just have to receive the invite?

@Rucker just to receive the invite

what happens if you don't go to Manifest 2?

@shankypanky i'm going
but in theory one could get invited without attending the conference

Updating downward because a gay orgy is more likely than a straight one and I’m straight

@JonathanRay how is it more likely

predicted YES

@lag Because statistically speaking women are way less interested in casual sex with strangers than men are and the conference is already a sausage fest before you filter for that

@JonathanRay tries to decide which emoji to reply with

Does the orgy have to actually happen for the invitation to count? (Whether or not you attend)

I'm wondering how to protect from people inviting you to fictional orgies that they later claim was canceled

@pietrokc he commented above - only an invitation

@shankypanky He's not quite answering the question I'm asking

@pietrokc oh you're right sorry - I misread (long day)