Will Threads reach at least 128M users before August 1st as reported by Quiver Quantitative?
resolved Aug 3

The outcome of this question will be resolved according to data from the "Threads Historical User Counts" table on Quiver Quantitative :

Resolution will happen according to US Eastern Time and will be based on the first time the threshold crosses 128M users if it happens before August 1st or the last historical update from July 31st when it becomes available.

If the website is not available for 2 days or more after the question closes, the question will resolve as NO.

If the last historical update from July 31st is less than 128M and the first update from August 1st is more than 128M the question will resolve as NO even if it is reported elsewhere that Threads crossed the 128M threshold before August 1st.

If Quiver Quantitative reports 128M in historical data corresponding to a datetime prior to August 1st, the question will resolve as YES even if it is reported elsewhere that Threads did not hit this threshold (e.g. if it was rounded up on the reporting website).

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“After META stopped disclosing user count numbers on July 11, 2023, we have switched over to using an approximation method based on a sampling of follower counts.” :’(